The Tale of the Flightless Ptarmigan

The Tale of the Flightless Ptarmigan

…This moment (and the hours that will follow) are everything I’ve been waiting for. White Rock Lakes is known (with reason) as one of the most beautiful spots in the Cascades. Located at 6,000’, the lakes are separated by a small rocky ledge from the Agnes Creek Valley. The outlet of the lake cascades over the rocks in a stunning multitiered waterfall which faces the north side of Dome Peak. There, the Dana and Chickamin Glaciers, some of the larger glaciers in the North Cascades, cling to the striped, rocky walls of their cirque. Innumerable waterfalls pour off these peaks into the valley below. It truly is an alpine paradise…

Del Campo-ing under the Northern Lights

Del Campo-ing under the Northern Lights

…I can’t believe my eyes. It’s there. Above the horizon. Not super bright, but bright enough. Probably my favorite natural phenomena in the world if I got to experience it in its entirety. The aurora is lighting the sky over the Sauk Valley. The colors are just barely visible, but green/white pillars are swirling and twirling and I know the time is now…

Breakfast Bacon and the Amphitheater of a Thousand Avalanches

Breakfast Bacon and the Amphitheater of a Thousand Avalanches

…It’s only 2 miles and less than a thousand feet to the summit, but I am exhausted. As I begin the final climb it’s hard to remember a time I was more tired. The slope is gentle, but I’m so fatigued I can only climb continuously for about ten or twenty feet before I need to take a break to lean on my poles. I begin to count out my steps. The goal is to reach fifty before stopping. Sometimes that falls to 37 or 26 before I stop for another break. Fortunately the North Cascade views provide some distractions…

The Little Devil of Snow Camping

The Little Devil of Snow Camping

…My dreams were filled with optimism. After such a wonderful, chill, and easy day hike (well snowshoe), I was ready to replicate it but with more sunset chances. Of course what had snuck out of mind were all the miseries of snow camping. My shoulder angel I guess was on vacation and my little shoulder devil was pumping my thoughts full of the beauty of the winter alpine. What I failed to remember is the winter rule of three…

The North Cascades Ski Sauna

The North Cascades Ski Sauna

…And then a soft growling rises out of the deafening silence. At first I fail to find its source, but it quickly grows louder and I spot a small Cessna coming straight for me from Glacier Peak. It’s amazing how quickly planes travel when you're up at their level. From first sighting I have thirty second before the plane is passing a thousand feet away. I send my greetings attempting to walk the line between being seen and appearing in desperate need of assistance…

Night of the Man-Eating Packrat

Night of the Man-Eating Packrat

I went to the mountains to take pictures of Comet NEOWISE. I discovered man-eating packrats instead. These are cute, furry tailed rodents who supposedly just want to fill their homes with warm and shiny things. I don’t know if they’re miniature mountain protectors are just alarm clocks who can’t tell time, but they kept me up all night and lead to one of the most beautiful nights of my life.