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Random Facts
The average American will spend 6 months of their life waiting at red lights
About 1.4 trillion photos will be taken in 2020
Roughly 90% of photos are taken on mobile phones
We take more photos every 2 minutes than were taken during the entire 19th century
Stop signs used to be yellow
All blue-eyed people have a common ancestor that lived 6-10,000 years ago
Most people can’t tell the difference between a potato and an apple with their mouth plugged
Grapes are toxic to dogs (too many of them can cause fatal kidney failure)
Wombats have cube shaped poop
The average person gives off enough heat from their body over thirty minutes to boil a gallon of water
Shakespeare invented over 400 words including bedroom, bump, dawn, generous, majestic, priceless, and zany
Ireland’s total population today is still lower than it was during the potato famine of 1845
The average person walks around 100,000 miles in their lifetime
There are about 700 grapes in a standard bottle of wine
Babies can’t see the full spectrum of colors until about 5 months after birth, but they can see the color red after 2 weeks
If you were to remove all of the empty space from the atoms that make up every human on earth, the entire world population could fit into an apple
About 50% of the world population has never seen snow